Student BIOS

YEUNG Pak Shing

MPhil in Environmental Science, Policy and Management - 2018

BSc in Mathematics (Pure Maths Track) with minor in Information Technology, HKUST


Supervisor:  Prof. FUNG Jimmy       Co-Supervisor: Prof. LAU Alexis

Research Topic  
Simulating urban climate using urban Weather Research and Forecast Model (uWRF) coupling with multilayer urban canopy model in Hong Kong
WRF, Urban Climate, Morphology

An accurate simulation of urban weather is crucial in many aspects. Apart from obtaining valid forecasting, the simulation result can also be applied to other models, for instance,  air pollution transportation model.  

Nowadays, Numerical Weather Prediction model like Weather Research and Forecast Model (WRF) is used for simulating mesoscales weather. Models like Building Environment Parameterisation and Building Energy Model (BEP-BEM) are also established and coupled with WRF (i.e. known as urban WRF, or “uWRF” for short.) so as to take the anthropogenic heat and building geometry into account. Simulation coupling with these models has been applied in different locations. It is found that the simulation results reached a reasonably good agreement with the observation.  However, the parameters used in these models differ in different locations, for instance, the physical properties of materials used in buildings, the road width and etc.

Therefore, in order to achieve an accurate simulation in Hong Kong using BEP-BEM in uWRF, a valid configuration on the parameters available in BEP-BEM is necessary. In the current stage of research, a more accurate value of these parameters will be obtained. After having the correct values, case studies of different weather event will be performed to understand the impacts of urbanization.

Award Name Year
The Best ‘Living’ Building Award, International Youth Competition in World Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2017 2017
Title Date Length Type and Location
City development adaptation towards heat wave event: A scenario study in Hong Kong 2017-05-22 Around 3 hours Poster Presentation in Chiba, Japan
Comparison of meteorological impacts between expanding urban area and increasing building height in Hong Kong 2017-05-26 15 minutes Conference Presentation
Teaching Assistant
Semester Course Code Course Title Class Size
2016-17 Spring ENVR1050 The Sustainable Citizen 78
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